Two of Wands
~ Overview
Choices, Action, Autonomy, Direction, Movement, Making progress, Doing, Building, Evolving
~ Essence
A calling to choose, continue dreaming of the vision or take the path to become it
~ Insight
The Two of Wands reminds us of our choice, to evolve, learn and continue the path of implementation towards our truest vision. Or to remain the same, within the comfort of predictability, monotony and yet, un-fulfilment.
This is a complete devotion to the path of alignment with ones inner guiding vision.
We can plan and imagine or we can begin to live it, to breathe it to life, to be it.
It is a journey that we are called to pour our effort, focus and whole hearted-being into.
This is a calling to connect with your inner will and to harness full autonomy toward the path moving forwards.
Experience, progress and growth are formed through intentional action.
Consider how one may feel if the callings of the heart are never attempted to be met.
This is a journey of discovery and decisive choices in deepest respect to our dream.
We are encouraged to develop the supportive inner dialogue, perspective and beliefs that carry us froward and through to the fruition of our vision.
Remove unease by choosing hope over fear, self-trust over uncertainty, action over stillness.
Make connections, build knowledge, form experience and skills, this helps us travel closer to where it is that we want to be, to what it is that we want to build.
One doesn’t need a rigid plan, embrace the knowing that things can change, our dreams can change, the plan can change and that is okay.
As long as we remain connected to a vision we hold at heart and work towards it each day, our actions will remain fulfilling and integral.
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