The Sun

~ Overview 

Soul-led movement, A invitation of Vitality, Bliss, Creativity, Radiance, Rise in heart and soul 

~ Essence 

A calling to be integral, to align the choices we make today with an inspired future 

~ Insight 

The Sun is a blessing, healing, nourishing, sacred, a deep source of life and divine energy.

In order to encourage this energy one is being called to live integral and authentically.

This way of being aligns us with our deepest truth, unified, reducing conflict within self.

Our inner Sun radiates clarity upon the path forward.

An integral way of being, connecting, acting, decision making and choices change one’s current experience for the better. 

This card asks us to be true and to take, to choose, the most honourable path froward. 

We are invited to be grounded within our outlook and expectations while holding hope for ones new stage of life,

travelling this path is a deep journey growth and evolving within self. 

It is a path that guides us towards a greater sense of wholeness and alignment.

A full embrace of one's own unique journey, taking the lead with certainty and ease.

Though outcomes in life may not be guaranteed, we may choose to move with integrity within this present moment,

to support our overall well-being and allow it to positivity touch our future.

The integral foundations we lay today, support a sturdier, stronger tomorrow. 

Allow one’s inner connection to and the following of the inner Sun that is held within to lift the heart gently above any negativity, self-doubt or second guessing of self. 

When we find ways to bring a form of beauty, excitement and authenticity into life, we support the path of inspiration and encourage beneficial transformations to unfold. 


The Sun is the essence of inspired and integral action, encouragement and foundations. 

Reflection upon what truly matters, what deeply fulfils us and how to support it moving forward.

A conscious decision upon what we choose to sow and what we encourage to harvest.

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