The Star

~ Overview 

Hope, Faith, Inspiration, Opportunities, Guidance, Self-belief, Inner gifts, Deep knowing 

~ Essence 

A reminder to hold faith within oneself, in one’s dreams and vision, to be guided by the star

~ Insight 

The Star reminds us not to loose faith, hope or to feel discouraged, whatever path one may be travelling or whatever dream one is holding in heart ~ let the energy of the star be a guiding light within one’s life.

Keep it by your side day and night, moment by moment.

This card is a calling to believe in the gifts, energy and spirit we behold. 


This energy is important, this calling is important, it is there, within, to channel our path, to guide us toward the trust version of self, it is there to be shared as support for others. 

Our healing, our dreams, our faith, well-being and generosity supports the healing of the world.

When we are at one within ourselves, we have the most to give. 

We are encouraged to believe in ourselves and what we have to bring to this world, to the community, to life itself. 

Move forward with calm faith, replenish, focus on the future, this spirit is untouchable. 

Nothing needs to be rushed, this is a gentle changing for the better. 


This is not a call for action but a simple remembrance of and recollection of hope. 

It is about re-sourcing belief in oneself, trust in one’s development and the process of becoming. 

To trust in one’s path and whatever the soul is currently working on. 

What is the guiding star within one’s heart? And how might we proceed with hope? 

This is calling to nourish ourselves, our dreams and what sources us with a sense of purpose.

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