Ten of Wands
~ Overview
Overwhelm, Oppressed spirit, Blockages, Pressure, Tension, Boundaries, Release
~ Essence
A calling to release what is weighing down upon one’s spirit and to set oneself free
~ Insight
The Ten of Wands signals the need for a healthy outlet, release and revival of self.
Pressure, responsibilities, commitments, insecurities and burdens are weighing down upon one’s spirit, the journey is straining and can begin to feel hopeless.
Consider what is oppressing one’s spirit, emotionally, physically or spiritually.
Is the stagnation coming from internal beliefs or from the build up of outer expectations?
This is a calling to focus upon one’s own needs, what is deeply important to one within their life, what life giving energy is currently being held down,
what is the soul longing to experience and how this can be supported moving forward.
This encourages us to look at what we need to release, how we long to live, in order to be free.
One’s inner being longs for expression and the repression of soul is causing too much pain. Examine what is going on within, what is lacking and what is essential for one’s heart?
This card encourages us to make necessary changes and to approach the process one foundational step at a time.
Cultivate healthy boundaries within one’s life, find ways to manage or release whatever is creating rising overwhelm and stress, find outlets of support and the sharing of responsibility.
It is time to set free excess baggage and liberate oneself for a lighter journey ahead.
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