Ten of Cups
~ Overview
Wholeness within self, Life nourishment, Heart connections, Expansion, Glowing essence
~ Essence
Nourishment of the heart, love and one’s life foundations seeps in to benefit all
~ Insight
The Ten of Cups symbolises nourishing one’s inner and outer life and experiencing the effects of one’s devotion to flourish in all areas of life. Especially within the community, our connections and the love around us.
When we hold self-love and respect within we make life choices from a place of care, these choices beneficially influence our own heart and all of those around us.
We are called to focus upon how we move through life, how we feel about ourselves, how we care for and respect ourselves mind, body and spirit.
We are called to work upon our own life foundations, our well-being and the love we carry at heart. In doing so we develop grounding within ourselves and have a fuller cup to pour from and generously share with others.
We are called to nourish our life inwardly and outwardly.
We are called to nourish our heart, our heart-felt connections and cultivate a beautiful, safe, peaceful energy with our relationships.
This is a card of love and heart comfort. This is a card of finding home within self and true belonging, true wholesomeness with others.
When we nourish the soil of our inner being and the soil of our life, we glow, glow through our essence, our thoughts, our heart and our mind. A glow that benefits all those we meet.
We are encouraged to consider what a loving relationship with self, wholesome connections and true nourishment of our life looks like to us. Then we are called to nurture this vision into reality.
There is a certain ease and openness that is encouraged when we feel at home within.
Not only do we ourselves experience reward of our evolution but it radiates outwardly upon our relationships and interactions with others also.
Now is the time to devote to wholeness within self, expansion of the heart and peace with others.
Our devotion to the heart and respect to the heart of others will overflow with reward.
A life of love creates a loving experience.
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