Six of Swords
~ Overview
Transition, Moving forward, Peace within self, Spiritual journey, Guidance, Calmer waters
~ Essence
A transition to calmer waters, closure at heart and the embracing of a new phase
~ Insight
The Six of Swords is a card of transition to a calmer phase and a calmer state. We are called to be open to change and to hold hope for the path moving forward.
What may feel turbulent right now will gain a foundation of calm as the layers in-between adjust, settle and find their resting point. A testing period is ending as we journey toward the new.
As a new phase dawns we are called to leave any depleting feelings of the past behind us. Carrying them forward will only inflict upon our ability to delight within the new period of our life.
We are encouraged to form closure from our side and deeply trust within the chapter ahead.
Closure may not be instantaneous but along the way, through time, new experiences, evolution of self and positive life changes, this peace and closure will be felt.
If we long to heal the past we are called to soothe it with love and not to pour onto the pain.
Transitions are a growth process and discomfort has a place here also, this is natural, these feelings are highly expected. It takes a while to settle into change and sometimes to be open to it.
We are called to remember this along the journey, the path to a better future may not always be smooth but the changes we work upon today will support us moving forward.
This is one’s evolution, now is the time to get to know, understand and make peace with self. As we become more aligned with our integrity and our highest self, inner conflicts settle. We are able to show up in life with harmony and wisdom because within, we are at ease.
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