Six of Cups

~ Overview 

Peace with the past, Positive development, Contentment, Ease, Well-being, Harmony 

~ Essence 

Making peace with the past and settling into a better place in life, a calmer place within 

~ Insight 

The Six of Cups invites us to make peace with the past and honour the delight peace brings to the spirit.

Through this process the energy we now provide to the present enables a beautiful inner foundation to build upon, to form a rich future from. 


The grounding one forms by developing peace within allows a natural flow to take place, turmoil of emotions begin to ease and more love is brought to the surface of one’s being. 

We are called to fall with open arms into this sweet pool of bliss and re-union with self. 

When healthy closure is made within our hearts, the future opens up to us, headspace is found and one’s inner life force begins to move with serenity and effortlessness. 

This resembles a powerful time to be able to create a new phase of life for oneself, to channel into a future vision and develop a soul enriching way of living. 


This card encourages us to perceive our past journey within a new outlook. To relate to the path no longer with draining emotions but with recognition of the wisdom, insight and growth gained along the way. 

This is a calling to move forward with compassion and love held at heart. 

Open oneself up to the bigger picture of one’s life trajectory, envision the journey within its wholeness, see the purpose this present phase may bring. 

We are called to consider what, now, within this moment and period of our life our future self would be truly thankful for, what they would ask of us in this moment, how we can support them.

Now is divine time to nurture the soil of the present for something beautiful to grow.

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Explore the rest of the tarot card meanings ~ Tarot Meanings 

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