Seven of Swords

~ Overview 

Mindful outlook, Developing self-trust, Loyalty, Refusal of self-deceit, Distancing from dishonesty 

~ Essence 

A refusal of self-deceit or dishonesty in any form, a deep loyalty to truth and honour

~ Insight 

The Seven of Swords is a call to distance from dishonesty and to carve a path of truth.

We are encouraged not to deceive ourselves or others, it is a conflicting path to journey along. Self-deceit, lack of loyalty and lack of self-respect is painful and only weakens our inner spirit. We are called to show up, to speak our truth, to act in truth, to live in truth. 


When our words, thoughts and actions are different to what we know to be right and true it casts a heavy weight within. When we make promises to ourselves that we are not loyal to, it impedes upon our self-trust.

When we act out of alignment with who we are to impress or ‘fit in’ with others we begin to dampen how we feel about ourselves on the inside. When we are not being integral and move through life conflicting with our highest self, negativity seeps into our heart. 

We are called to be respectful towards ourselves, our inner truth, our values and towards others. We are called to refuse any form of self-deceit, it is time to show up for oneself with respect.

Alignment with who we are, what we do and who we say we are means no mask is needed. Truth and honesty means there is no pretending and no pretending creates a life of ease. There is no shame or need to hide because we are aligned with our truth and vision. 


We are called to take the higher road, to stay away from lies, secrets, deceit and mind-games. Maturity in life is being able to be honest, clear, truthful and respectful. 

We are called to remove ourselves from any person, situation or dynamic that supports an energy of deceit, that causes us to feel uneasy or conflicted with our truth. 

Be aware and mindful ~ move with truth and only invite truth into one’s life.

Anything that disrupts or creates friction to our inner being is no longer welcomed.

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