Nine of Wands
~ Overview
Inner strength, Resolve, Growth, Learning, Resilience, Perseverance, Patience
~ Essence
A calling to lift one’s heart and persevere forward, this is the evolution of self
~ Insight
The Nine of Wands arises to say ‘don’t give up now, one is so close to the horizon’.
This is a deep calling not only for resilience but for holding faith and patience in the process.
Facing up to things and difficult situations builds upon our strength, confidence and who we are as people.
Our response begins to shape our character, our foundations and the future experience of our life.
Sometimes it can feel like we are dealt challenge after challenge within life, pushing forward and consistently trying without experiencing any momentum.
This is a time to connect back in with, reevaluate or cultivate our why, why is one on this journey?
What is the greater purpose or future benefit of it all?
When the surface level experience becomes difficult and vague, we are called to re-ignite the deeper reason and resolve for why we are travelling this path.
One has come so far, if the heart is feeling despondent this card asks us to find the part within that has the resolve to continue.
All the time, effort, sacrifice one has experienced and devoted will not be squandered.
It is a show to self of one’s strength and innate abilities.
Lift the heart with confidence and follow what feels right and true.
If we are feeling overwhelmed about the journey itself, this is a calling to try.
What would one look back upon and feel grateful to themselves for doing in this moment?
Do the things that support one’s future self, find ways, if possible to make this path a little smoother whether it is in the approach, mindset or support from those around.
Consider what is making the path more difficult and what may need to be released.
Mistakes and setbacks are simply a part of life, no journey is without them, we are encouraged not to define ourselves by these moments but to welcome them with an open mind.
To approach them as feedback, an opportunity for learning and the evolution of self.
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