Nine of Swords
~ Overview
Consumed in worry, fear & despair, A calling to open to possibility, Seek light, Choose hope
~ Essence
Seeking support, welcoming the light and helping oneself out of a dark spiral
~ Insight
The Nine of Swords calls on us to lift our heart to the light, to possibility, to support.
When consumed within fear, worry, anxiety and doubt the world becomes cast within a dark shade of grey. We may be viewing ourselves in a harsh light because of how we feel, feeling stuck along our path or overcome with despair. As our perspective becomes closed and everything feels heavy we start to shut ourselves away, from the world, from connection.
In doing so, everything magnifies, we become immersed within our pain and within our thoughts. We can’t see the glistening of light offering solace and hope.
This is a call to utilise our self-awareness and to do our best to recognise the signs of a downward spiral.
Be attuned to one’s pattens and focus on the sources that support one’s grounding.
What activities and experiences help to lift one’s heart and open the mind?
We are called to take control of our perception and to do all the things that help us carve a new light within our outlook.
What options or path’s forward could support one’s journey and experience of life?
Rumination halts our motion, we are encouraged to take positive action.
Take an honest look at what one is doing right now, is this supporting oneself?
Is this helping your heart forward? Is this welcoming the light?
We are encouraged to seek the support and help of those we trust, to open ourselves up to small steps toward change, to begin a journey towards healing.
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