
~ Overview 

Awakening, Breakthrough, Transformation, Growth, Expansion, Evolution, Higher calling 

~ Essence 

A rising above, an evolution of self, entering a new plane of existence 

~ Insight 

The Judgment resembles a complete evolution of self, rising above all we once knew into a new plane of understanding, outlook, living and experience. 

We are called to channel into our deepest potential and to welcome growth into this phase of life.

A profound recognition that we have this one life and how we may choose to use it.

The inner spirit is being called forward to expand, to utilise what one can give, what one can bring, how one can beneficially channel their presence upon this Earth. 

The Judgment calls for an embracing relationship with self, from this place a powerful journey opens up to us.

We are called to relate to ourselves from a place to true forgiveness, acceptance and encouragement forward.

To release any pain or blame upon past versions of self, to acknowledge that we are often doing the best we can with all we know and the perceptions that are held at the time.

We evolve, we can learn and we can grow.

There is no more room for blame, excuses or resentment toward self or others, the past is asking to settle behind us with our souls expansion directed forward. 

Listen to one’s higher callings and let them guide the heart to rise up. 

This card invites to embody full self-responsibility ~ as much as we are able to, no more blame outside of us but full power gathered back within,

full responsibility for what we do, how we respond and how we journey through our path.

This is a clear, guiding message to evolve within who we are a person and channel ahead with our best intent and conduct at heart. 

With each integral motion towards our true potential, the horizon broadly opens up to us. 

One’s true essence longs to be experienced and this is the opportunity to do so. 

Surrender to the mystical, the seeming miracles, signs and guidance along the way. 

Rise beyond the surface level view and approach toward life itself ~ lean deeper into the divine. 

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