Four of Swords
~ Overview
A break, Pause, Healing, Rest, Renewal, Ease, Contemplation, Slowing down, Nurture
~ Essence
A period of rest, reflection and contemplation ~ a restoring of energy along the journey
~ Insight
The Four of Swords is a card of deep rest, relaxation and inner restoration.
We are called to embrace a resting period, to allow our hearts and minds to become quiet. This pause renews the spirit, our focus and interactions with life, with others, with our projects.
A grounded mind supports loving, healthy and well-founded decisions.
Space for reflection and a detachment from the bustle of situations helps us approach them with a new perspective.
Realisations have the space to come through and fresh outlook gained.
Trying to force, push and evidently overwhelm ourselves by trying to take on to much leads to stress, a blockage in spirit and a diffusing of energy.
We are called to recognise the importance of breaks, of the space and healing they provide. Pauses, time for connection and self care are all productive implementations.
These devoted, intentional moments support our flow and our energy for the journey.
There is no need to hastily try to figure anything out right now, the insights will come through within their own time, as our mind finds stillness and serenity.
Embrace time with self, time of directing energy inward as apposed to dissolving it outward.
This is a period of dedicated nurture, the time we take nourish spirit and our inner being, benefits all of those around us, as well as ourselves. Self-care is service to self and those we love.
This period of rest will be unique to us all, we are called to invite what sits well within our heart.
This time gifts us energy for the journey ahead.
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