Four of Cups
~ Overview
Feeling uninspired, Disconnected, Unfulfilled, Yearning for something deeper, Yearning for life
~ Essence
When feeling unfulfilled we are called to connect within and nourish the source
~ Insight
The Four of Cups calls upon us to look within and to reflect upon what truly matters.
Sometimes we may have outer success, opportunities or experiences surrounding us but nothing seems to be lighting that spark or developing a sense of fulfilment.
Sometimes we may be travelling the path and moving through life but simply not feeling anything of depth or substance along the way.
This within itself invites us to contemplate upon what we are truly longing for, what is creating a sense of disconnection within spirit and how we truly want to spend our time.
What is the deeper calling and yearning from within that one's soul is trying to reach out for?
Respecting our most inherent needs nourishes the source, from which all life flows from. The inner understanding of self strengthens our awareness of what inner abundance truly means.
This is a calling to reconnect with our spiritual, soulful, most grounded self.
A healthy outlook, expectations of and approach to life supports the sense of richness we feel within.
As we start re-connecting with and devoting room for what fuels the soul, our experience becomes more profound, life starts to make sense again, the emptiness resides.
If life, relationships, environments, the path and the day to day have us feeling deflated or uninspired we are asked to consider what would transform our spirit for better.
A heavy spirit can induce feelings of frustration, remorse, lethargy and helplessness.
This is a calling to revive one’s spirit and welcome new life.
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