Five of Swords

~ Overview 

Releasing oneself from self-neglect, anger & regret, Choosing to move with grace, to learn, to be noble 

~ Essence 

Working upon our own self-forgiveness so we don’t project hurt onto others or into the future

~ Insight 

The Five on Swords is a call to interact toward life with and to move forward with grace. 

Some situations can leave us feeling sore, we are asked not to allow our own pain, shame, hurt, guilt or frustration to be poured onto others. Despite was has arisen or what arises we are encouraged to be noble and hold magnanimity.

Harmful actions towards others serve no one, enmeshment in power conflicts serve no one, hurting another in an attempt to lift our own sense of superiority or pain serves no one. There is a way to move with understanding, consideration and respect. 

Our own emotional regulation, self-respect and forgiveness ensures we are not projecting inner conflicts outwardly.

It ensures we can always choose the higher road.

When the mind is conflicted we are encouraged to find grounding, our inner resting spot. 

Look beyond the regret of past experiences, the fear of failure, vulnerability and inadequacy. What we may view as mistakes actually serve as a source of feedback, we learn from our experiences in life and if chosen we can use these insights to better support our future. 

Life is a journey of growth, can one find the self-acceptance to simply allow oneself to evolve?

This is a call for self-forgiveness, the most noble act is to focus on who we are being now and who we are becoming moving forward.


One part of the journey does not define us, we can steer the direction in whichever way we choose to go from now on. 

It is the pain of holding onto our heavy emotions that does the most damage. We are asked to let go, to re-frame and re-approach with grace, with learning, so we can grow. 

Similarly, moving with fear toward all possible future outcomes does not serve the heart. See beyond fear, release control, be open to learning and evolving along the way.  

This is a time for internal changes within mindset, relationship with self, the past and future.

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