Five of Pentacles

~ Overview 

Scarcity mindset, Overwhelm, Feeling of defeat, A call to re-claim one’s power, Seek possibility

~ Essence 

Uprising out of scarcity and showing ourselves what we are truly, deeply capable of 

~ Insight 

The Five of Pentacles comes to us in support when we feel overcome by our circumstances.

When the path doesn’t align the way we imagined, when we are feeling deflated in spirit, alone, consumed within a negative mind-loop, external situations or feelings of lack we may feel like isolating, shutting ourselves away, giving up. We may loose ourselves in a scarcity mindset. 

In doing so we fail to see opportunity, to see another path, to see possible solutions. 

With our outlook focused upon what we feel we lack within our lives we create and contribute toward a stagnant cycle ~ damaging our spirit and experience of life.

This card calls on us to ease the focus upon what we feel is lacking and to instead focus upon what we have and what we can actually utilise. 

It calls on us to channel into possibility, to channel into utilising our resources to cultivate and create something of substance, something fulfilling. To open up to possibility. 

We are encouraged to consider possible paths, to be the creator of our own opportunities, to harness our power back within our spirit and take control of our path. 

We are called to rise, to look beyond, to see the grander picture to the whole of life.

When we become the creator, we become active and this force produces positive change.

No longer comfortable with being worn down by our circumstances we seek to utilise the resources we do have to their fullest potential, to squeeze as much possibility as we can out of life.

This is a re-claim of mind, body, life and direction.

It is time to truly let the heart rest, process, find some balance and support from others. Then we are called to motion ahead, to show ourselves what we are truly, deeply capable of.

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Explore the rest of the tarot card meanings ~ Tarot Meanings 

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