Five of Cups
~ Overview
Let oneself feel, Grieve, Move forward, Develop new perspectives, Release the heaviness
~ Essence
Processing of the past, amendment of the heart and a new relationship with life
~ Insight
The Five of Cups calls on us to make peace with what has and has not happened.
The expectations that didn’t come to light, the paths we didn’t take, the choices we regret.
We are asked not to loose our inner spirit, not to loose our involvement in life or reason for being through the pain of loss.
This is not a calling to ignore our feelings, we are encouraged to feel what we need, to grieve, to process, to be with whatever arises. More so, this card is a balance interweaved between the two ~ allowing oneself to feel and process without shutting our heart away from life.
Could one allow themselves the grace of self-forgiveness, acceptance of how all has unfolded, the utilising of wisdom to support a new future, the grace of living.
Could there be another way to relate to and perceive the path that has unfolded?
Could we find ways to support ourselves through this unraveling instead of spiralling down with it.
Our emotional well-being is most important of all.
We do the best we can with what we know at the time, mistakes do not define us, there is always more to one’s story after one chapter closes, please hold the heart with ease.
If another has disappointed our spirit the choice to forgive, or not, is up to us. What matters most is that we don’t loose ourselves because of another’s actions.
As we move forward from the past the future begins to gently open up, could one find the space within themselves to hold hope for what may come?
We are asked to take all we have learnt about life, about ourselves and to embark into a process of amending the heart, of opening ourselves up to a new connection with life.
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