Eight of Wands

~ Overview 

Clarity, Clear ideas, Action, Movement, Swift energy, Progress, Welcomed change 

~ Essence

Swift progress is about to take place and we are called to channel it with intention 

~ Insight 

The Eight of Wands indicates that clarity is being given the space to arise.

Obstacles are clearing, welcomed change is approaching and clear ideas herald swift movement forward.

We are called to look forward, towards the next phase and a new path within our lives. Energy is moving, it is time to take action and once again, to channel our focus. 

If all feels stagnant, hold faith, remain intentional and know movement will take place. 

The light will soon shine and the soul will guide forward to the next best step. 

As the path clears we are encouraged to flow with it, to move out of the past, rest within the present and to channel our essence into the future. 


We have the power to influence this forward movement and are guided to be intentional, clear within our direction and aligned within values. 

If we utilise this energy for consistent action in the most integral direction, positive developments will be supported to take place. 

This welcomed change can arrive in quickly, find your calm and own steady pace within it all. 


The Eight of wands is a powerful period of growth, good decisions and progress. 

Allow one’s energy to rise with the momentum, channel into all that is truly important. 

Whatever feels like it is not moving is about to find flow. 

This is one’s chance to take the lead and support a beneficial future phase.

— ☾ —

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